This month, Pink Lily has partnered with the Foundation for Black Women's Wellness to create an exclusive line of graphic tees. 100% of profits (up to $20,000) will be donated to assist in eliminating health disparities and other barriers impacting the lives of black women and girls!
Our Mission: We believe that all women are beautiful. We're committed to representing and empowering women of every shape, size and color - today and always. Efforts taken this month to highlight Black History Month is one small step towards our commitment to celebrating diversity.
The Foundation for Black Women's Wellness aligns with everything we believe in at Pink Lily. Supporting health and wellness is close to our hearts and we wanted to support the amazing work of this incredible group of women.
This organization hit close to home because both Lisa's mother and our CEO Tori's grandmother passed away from heart disease. After losing her mother, Lisa decided she wanted to make a change and started FFBWW.
With your purchase, you will be helping fuel year-round education and wellness programs. Together, with FFBWW, we can create a world where black women and girls live long, happy, healthy lives unhampered by preventable illnesses!